Community Board

Community Board

Our shared values are the guiding lights that lead our students toward a life filled with purpose, integrity, and a deep connection to
Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

Below are messages of hakarat hatov, hope and support shared by our community members.

We invite you to share your message with your gift to the campaign!

  • : Service
  • : Advocacy
  • : Chesed
  • : Tzedakah
  • : Naaleh Initiative

Thank you you to the teachers for helping us navigate this tough subject with our children! kol hakavod for everything you do.

Thank you to the SAR community for being a ray of light in these dark times. Your activism and commitment to Am Yisrael at this time are inspiring and we are proud to be part of this community.

We pray for a successful year for our students, the Israel Defense Forces and the safe return of our stolen hostages.

Honoring SAR's multifaceted support of Israel at this perilous time.

In Honor of my grandchildren Hillel, Ezra and Sarit Schwab

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying thank you to my teachers

Thank You to All the teachers and staff of SAR for all you do to educate our children.

Thank you for the excellent education you provide our grandchildren: Jacob, Jonah and Claire.

Thank you SAR for teaching our children to learn, grow, and challenge themselves. We are so grateful!

Thank you for everything you do for our children and for Medinat Yisrael!

Kol Hakavod to SAR leadership, faculty and students for all that you're doing for Am Yisrael! 

In honor of my grandchildren, Ella, Ethan & Elijah Krause

Thank you for enriching our children’s lives with the love of Torah, dedication to Eretz Yisrael and the responsibility of Tikun Olam.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Wearing tzitzit daily and Calling grandparents before Shabbat

Yasher Koach to all of the people who have contributed immeasurably to Israel!

In Honor of SAR and its commitment to cultivating an enriching and loving environment for all. We are forever grateful to the wonderful faculty and administration.

In honor of Abie, Batsheva and Manu Perelis, our precious grandchildren, who are flourishing at SAR.

In Honor of our grandchildren, Dylan, Evan, and Caroline Berger

Kol Hakavod SAR!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
volunteering at my local shul every Shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am dedicating myself to calling my grandparents before shabbos.

Glad to support the education of many of my grandchildren - The Isaac triplets and the Garbuz family (their four children).

We are proud to be a part of a community that has focused on the needs of our brothers and sisters in Israel.

The education and values at SAR are second to none, and we are so grateful for the privilege of having SAR be our daughter’s second home for the last 4 years.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Grateful to our many faculty members, spouses, and extended family for their service, hard work, advocacy, and tzedakah on behalf of Am Israel!

We are so grateful to SAR for all they infuse into our children. It is a very special school and community and we are honored to be part of it!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will call my grandparents every week for shabbat.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Giving tzedaka to Israel

Thank you to SAR Administration, faculty and staff for installing a love of learning, Medinat Yisrael and the importance of contributing to community.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed every night.

Thank you SAR for 23 incredible years. We are grateful for everything our children have received from their teachers and classmates. We will miss being part of this wonderful community on a daily basis. Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Dedicating each Mishnah I learn to a different Chayal serving in the IDF.

Yasher Koach to the entire SAR community - faculty, students, parents - who were constant supporters of Israel during these very difficult times. Anat & Giora Katz

Me’Chayel L’ Chayel and prayers for your safe return to All of the SAR Alumni serving in the IDF


In Honor of Ilana Gatoff and Dalia Gatoff

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Reciting a daily perek of Tehillim as a merit for wounded soldiers and for those fighting
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying Shema before bed

Chazak V'amatz. Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Many thanks to Rabbi Bini, to Alana, to Sara to Melissa and to the entire management staff and teaching staff of SAR Academy, for supporting me and my family while Assaf was in the IDF reserve service in Israel.


The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Call my grandparents before Shabbat

Thank you to the administration, faculty and staff who instill a love of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael in our children every day.

Thank you to the amazing team of teachers educators administrators and all who make this ecosystem function. We are very happy and we thank all the many volunteers as well.

Thank you to SAR - the administration, teachers and community - for always being a shining light and inspiration to us all!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will try to help out at home by loading the dishwasher.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Learning Mishna Yomi every day.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
10 -5 minutes of torah a day
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before Shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Learning the first aliyah of each Parsha for the upcoming week!

Memory of
Sgt First Class (res) Ben Zussman z”l
Sgt First Class Yosef Guedalia z”l

Now more than ever before, we need institutions like SAR to help solidify the next generation's love for Israel - thank you, and Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Giving tzedakah before we light the Shabbat candles

In appreciation of the SAR High School Administration and Faculty for their dedication and hard work

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed

With endless love and gratitude for SAR, the Jewish people, and Hashem

Thank you to Rebecca Wolf and the high school Israel advocacy team, for providing meaningful opportunities to learn about Israel, advocate for Israel, and support Israeli troops and citizens.

In Honor of all of our children and grandchildren who are proud SAR alumni

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Reciting a Perek of Tehilim for the wounded soldiers or those fighting.

Yasher Koach to all the heroes and Mazel tov to SAR

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself is to say Shema before bed

With Gratitude to the teachers and the administration of SAR! 

Congratulations to SAR

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am going to call my grandparents before Shabbat
Thank you for creating a safe space where my children look forward to playing and learning each day.

With deepest gratitude for your tireless efforts to ensure that we all have many opportunities to help and support Israel in her time of need.

With respect, appreciation and admiration for the SAR administrators and community members who have led the way in supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel and serve as role models for our children always.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
The mitzvah I want to do is saying shema every night before bed.


The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Liat has been davening every single day whether we have school or not.

In Honor of Netanel and Atara and their amazing parents, Danielle and Dan (a volunteer with Hatzalah of Riverdale), who are amazing role models! Love Savta and Papa

We are so grateful for the SAR Community. Thank you to all the hard-working teachers, administrators and staff.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will call my grandma once every day

Thank you to all of the SAR students for inspiring us and for giving us great confidence in the next generation of leaders committed to a thriving Jewish community in Medinat Yisrael and beyond.

Mazel Tov

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

We so blessed to be part of the SAR family .

We send our love, respect, and thanks to members of the SAR community, faculty and alum, who are serving in the IDF.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Singing Shema and Hatikva before bed

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I want to say more brachot

It is beautiful to see the amount of tzedakah the SAR community gives to those in need.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Saying Shema before bed inside the siddur or with a Shema card!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling my grandparents before shabbat

We have never been prouder to be a part of this incredible SAR community. Our thanks to the teachers, administrators and the whole team for the incredible heart they bring to their holy work, and for being a beacon of support for Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!

In Honor of my granddaughter, Jaclyn Agus

Thank you for all the things that you are doing , This is an incredible place for our kids

To our son, Jedidiah. We are incredibly proud of you, our Chayal Boded! We love you! חזק ואמץ

With thanks for everything SAR Academy does

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am committing to say all of shmonah esreh most days
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Is to be a more respectful person to my teachers

Thank you SAR!!

Thank you to the IDF and all of those serving Israel.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Chesed - I am delivering fire wood to all my neighbors.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Saying shema before bed and calling grandparents before Shabbat

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Light an extra candle on Shabbat for the chatufim.

As Yehuda, my husband, served in miluim, the SAR family emerged as an immeasurable support. Through heartfelt communication, meals, and essential equipment that was purchased, your solidarity in this time was a profound comfort for my family.Thank you

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will say shema every night

מדור לדור

Sentinel Group is happy to support SAR in loving memory of Sharon Berger.

In Honor of SAR alumni Alex, Jacob, Talia, and Hannah Saal

IHO Leah Nerenberg Zoller and Benji & Sammy Zoller & all our chayalim
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Instead of going on a fun beach vacation over break, my family and I decided to go on a mission to Israel with our community Rabbi. I was able to see first hand the atrocities of what happened on October 7th. I went to army bases, spoke, ate and danced with the Chayalim. I packaged Shabbat food and baskets for displaced families. In addition, I volunteered at a farm to pick their crops. This was the most memorable vacation I ever had with my family!

Kol Hakavod to the SAR Community

In Honor of the fallen Israeli soldiers and with prayers for the release of all our hostages.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before Shabbat.

Grateful for an incredible community of teachers at SAR who create a wonderful culture of learning and connection to Am Yisrael!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I want to Daven more often

We wish to recognize our dear friend, Rabbi Moish Drelich, for all the chesed and tzedakah and concern he shows to all.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Going to Shul every Shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am gonna learn another mishna every day
Am Yisrael Chai !

Very proud of SAR’s model efforts in Israel

What the SAR community does best is show up and say YES - answering the call in any and every way possible. Thank you to all those in our community protecting Israel both on and off the frontlines.

We are proud of all the Chesed and support the SAR community continues to show for our Chayalim and Medinat Yisrael. Am Yisrael Chai.

Yasher Koach to the students, faculty and administration of SAR for all you have done to support the soldiers and people of Israel during these most trying times.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will try to say "Modeh Ani" AS SOON as I get up in the morning!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling my grandparents consistently before Shabbat.

Thank you to SAR for doing so much to support our students and Midinat Yisrael.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Going to minyan with my dad on Sundays

Thank you for all the members of SAR community for support in Tzedakah project to help Israeli hospitals.

Best wishes from Almstead Tree & Shrub Care Co.
In honor of all the teachers and administrators who teach love of Medinat Israel and our bond to Israel. May Israel be blessed with the bracha of peace. Rella Feldman

SAR will always represent the absolute best in teaching the values of our tradition.

We are proud to be part of this community that has been so active in tzedakah and chesed, both for Israel and locally. Kol hakavod and keep it up!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Say extra Tehilim every day

In honor of all SAR community members who give so much to Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will do a extra piece of tihilim

Am Yisrael Chai!

In Honor of our grandchildren Liat Saposh and Eliana Shiff 

In Honor of my grandchildren Leo, Cecelia, and Juliet Rothstein

In Memory of Emily Carla Blum a"h

Proud grandparents of 9 SAR students

Thank you SAR for all you do!

Mazal tov!

Shai Bernstein, Yoni Leiman and Amit Stern’s service to Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael are an inspiration.

In Honor of my grandchildren Sammy and Ari Lindenbaum

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Writing weekly letters to soldiers/politicians

Kol Hakavod to Lara Szlamkowicz (High School parent of 12th grader Caleb), who organized the funding, collecting, and sending of thousands of combat boots (and lots other supplies) to Medinat Yisroel over the last few months.

We are proud to be a partner to the SAR community Elisha Block Riverdale Kosher Market Pizza Block

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am going to help clean around the house, before I am asked!

Thank you to all the troops helping to keep Am Israel free! Thank you to all the security guards who keep our children safe!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

I am going to say shema before bed

In appreciation of all SAR does and continues to do to inspire our children to love and support Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
To kiss a מזוזה more
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling me grandparents before Shabbat!

In Honor of Sarah and Etan and the incredible SAR staff and faculty

We salute SAR for all it is doing for our community and for its embracing and fostering the values we encourage.

Thank you SAR for your dedication and tremendous support for Am Yisrael.

ב״ה זכינו שאודי בעלי היקר יסע למילואים בארץ.

We are so proud of how SAR has supported Israel, its solidiers and families and our students during this difficult time.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying Asher Yatzar
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Saying Shema before bed and calling grandparents before shabbat

Thank you to all of the wonderful SAR teachers and faculty for their tireless efforts to educate and inspire our children.

Mazel Tov to all in the SAR Community.

From your purveyor RIVIERA PRODUCE INC.

Thank you, SAR!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Help my mom bake a Dessert for שבת

We are grateful for the SAR community.

Many thanks to our SAR family for all you do and who you are. Am Yisrael Chai. 

We’re continually inspired by the SAR community’s dedication to Am Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael and causes near and far. Thank you for supporting our children’s growth, confidence and love for Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim!


I am so grateful to SAR for providing such an expansive yeshivah education for our precious Jewish youth. Jessica Orbach

In Honor of Amit Ades

We are very grateful to the teachers at SAR for the values you help instill in our children and the remarkable ways you inspire them to grow - religiously, intellectually, morally, and spiritually. Thank you!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will help out at home by taking care of my little sister

Shout out to Randi Botek, Yeeshai Gross, Aviva Adler, David Abrahmov and all the other SAR parent volunteers for Boots for Israel! Thank you to everyone who is helping donate so we can send more boots to chayalim!

The family affair that is SAR has inspired and imbued our family with Jewish Pride for four generations. Israel is always core and always wrapped in all the values SAR stands for: Torah; Derech Eretz; human dignity; free speech; ethics and morality: America. We are all blessed to be here.

Thank you to our SAR alumni who have served and are serving in the IDF in protection of Medinat Yisrael and Am Yisrael. Thank you to the Riverdale/IDF efforts head by SAR alumna Abby Marcus - a remarkable woman.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Calling my grandparents before Shabbat

We are grateful to the entire SAR community. Am Yisrael Hai, Sclar Family

We are so grateful Moreh Michael Turjeman for instilling a love for Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael in our children and for his service in protecting Medinat Yisrael.

We are so grateful to be part of this wonderful and diverse community.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Remembering to Say Shema every night.

In Honor of the rabbeim, morot, administrators and staff who have stepped up in every way over these last few months, and instilled in our children new levels of Ahavat Yisrael

SAR has always been a beacon of deep commitment to Torah values, Medinat Yisrael, the Jewish People and the world at large. Never has this leadership been more important than now. We are so proud of our school, its teachers, administration and students. We are especially proud of our alumni and staff that are now under arms in the battle against our enemies. 

כל הכבוד לצה״ל.
ביחד ננצח

Our family is so blessed to be part of the SAR community. Thank you to every teacher, every administrator, every staff member, for your endless hard work and deep care for our children and Am Yisrael. Thank you for ensuring that they are growing in both their minds and their hearts. Kol HaKavod!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Giving tzedakah Every day

Yasher Kochem!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before Shabbat.

עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

To our dear nephews, Nathan Haron and Noam Haron, who inspire us with their service to Medinat Yisrael as lone soldiers. We are so proud of you.

Mazal tov and thank you for everything you do for our children!

Proud to be part of this school who supports Israel and her soldiers in her time of need….and always!!!!

Best of luck!

So proud to be a member of tis incredible community. יחד ננצח

In Honor of SAR - Its Leadership, Its Founders, Teachers, Students and Ma'asim Tovim

The SAR community as a whole has shown tremendous kindness to our son and to our family. We are grateful every day to be a part of this amazing school.

I thank SAR for teaching my children and grandchildren the love of learning so that they will ultimately be defined as good Jews as well as good and productive citizens.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying Shema before bed and calling grandparents before Shabbat

Many thanks to Rabbi Bini, Sarah Richter and the entire management staff and teaching staff of SAR Academy, for supporting my family while I was in the IDF reserve service in Israel.

עם ישראל חי!

We greatly appreciate the dedication and hard work of the entire SAR community in nurturing Jewish values.

So proud of SAR for making Israel advocacy a top priority for their students.

Thank you to the many SAR people who inspire us daily.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Wearing tzizit everyday
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will wear tzitzit more


In Honor of our daughter Noam and all the other incredible SAR alumni who are serving Israel by enlisting in the IDF

Thank you for the excellent education and values imparted to our grandchildren. Chazak VeAmatz!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Is saying shema before I go to bed.

For the people and land of Israel

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
To go to mincha with my Dad every possible time I’m able to

May SAR go from strength to strength.

To all who give tirelessly to the mission of our wonderful school - the place that nourishes and nurtures our children and grandchildren

In honor of grandchildren and great-grandson, future SAR student, third generation!

Whether as an alumnus, as a beit midrash fellow, or as Machon Siach graduate fellows- SAR has touched our lives individually and together throughout many stages. The commitment to thoughtful and engaged Judaism knows no bounds- thank you!

In honor of all of those who are devoting their talents and energy toward Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

We are proud to be a part of the SAR community. We continue to be inspired by the school leadership, the commitment to excellence in education, middot and the unwavering support of Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to is saying Tehillim for my cousin's unit in Israel.

We are so proud to be part of the SAR community of helpers. And so grateful for the fabulous alumni that SAR has produced. Thank you for educating our Children to love Israel!


In honor of everyone in the broad SAR community who has undertaken advocacy, tzedakah, chessed, and/or military service on behalf of Am Yisrael b'Eretz Yisrael - Kol Hakavod!

It is an honor, privilege, and joy to be part of this most inspiring SAR community. Am Yisrael Chai!!

To the entire SAR community, in these challenging times it is heartwarming to follow from Israel and see SAR' community's commitment to Israel! bsorot tovot to one and all.

Grateful to the amazing staff and community of SAR for stepping up to support Medinat Israel in its challenging times. Am Israel Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I’m going to focus harder on my shmoneh esrei

With gratitude to the SAR Administration for their devotion to Israel and for providing an example of leadership during these difficult days. Am Yisrael Chai!

Que Dieu vous bénisse. To all who serve and their families, may G-d bless you.

In Honor of Hilary Buff and Ariel Weiner - our favorite packing queens. No one packs an Israel bound duffel like the two of you. You're amazing role models of chesed for our kids.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Jeremiah will be saying Shema every night at bedtime and visit his grandma after school/before Shabbat.

Thank you to SAR High School for being a beacon during these trying times

We are so proud of to be part of the SAR community and in its steadfast support of Am and Eretz Yisrael.

עם ישראל חי!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Wearing tzizit daily
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will do more תשובה

Thank you for everything you do for our children and for Medinat Yisrael!

With appreciation for all those who serve, whether advocacy, tzedakah, chesed, military or other volunteer service.


Honored to have superheroes living among us! Thank you for your bravery and service. We wake up feeling safe because of your sacrafice.

We commit to saying Modeh Ani in the morning (Noemi and Yasha Khazanov). Thank you 1Y and Gan Rimon teachers!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
light an extra candle on Shabbat for the chatufim.


The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will call my grandparents every Shabbat and i will say shema before bed.

Thank you to the morim/morot of Gan Shemesh - you have given our daughter the space to grow as a unique member of Klal Yisroel, and supported her love for learning and yiddishkiet.

Special thanks to the SAR teachers for modelling for our kids what it means to be a part of Am Yisrael. Special thanks to Ariel Weiner for the selfless dedication to everything Israel!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Sharing my Dvar Torah with my Zaydie every Friday before Shabbat, in addition to wishing all of my grandparents a good Shabbos
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed Calling my grandparents before shabbat
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will try to study brachot every day.

In honor of our grandchildren, Ilan, Nava and Asher Goldfein

We honor our incredible faculty and staff who have supported all of us in immeasurable ways these past months, and for the past many decades that we have been privileged to be part of this wonderful community.

Thank you to the wonderful teachers, administration, and staff at SAR for making the school such a warm and happy environment for our children; we are so grateful!

In honor of all the amazing faculty at SAR who make every day special.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
When I light the shabbos candles with my mom- I am thinking and davening for Israel and the hostages to be returned.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Perek tehilim
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
helping my parents set the shabat table
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Volunteering at the Riverdale Y on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to pack supplies
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

With gratitude to the amazing SAR Alumni and Faculty who have served or are currently serving in the IDF. With love and thanks to our dear friend & SAR Parent, Chayal Aaron Kornbluth. Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Reciting a daily perek of tehilim
no message

So proud to be part of the SAR community. עם ישראל חי

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will write weekly letters to politicians

We are proud to be part of this amazing community that has come together in achdut to support Israel!

Thank you!

We feel privileged to be a member of this community, now more than ever. עם ישראל חי!

Thank you to SAR and all the faculty and administrators for all your dedication and hard work giving our children an amazing experience and instilling in them a love of Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
The mitzvah I want to do are calling my grandparents before Shabbat and write weekly letters to Israeli Soldiers

Joseph Block (AC '14, HS '18), we are so proud of you and your service in Miluim.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed

So disappointed we could not join in the celebration . Kol hakavod to all who made the night special. 

In honor of Gaby and Jakey Sadres and Dani Farhi.

Thank you to the wonderful faculty and administration of SAR. We're so proud to be a part of the SAR Family!

Mazel tov to the well deserving honorees!

We have never been as proud to be a part of the SAR community as we are today. Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Reciting a daily perek of Tehillim as a merit for wounded soldiers and for those fighting

Yashar Koach to the SAR administration, teachers, parents, students and of course those who are serving for being leaders and positive activists.

In Honor of all of those who have and continue to support Israel in its time of need.

With love and admiration for the superstars in NYC and Israel who, together, represent the SAR constellation of chesed and chizuk. Keep on letting your light shine!

Thank you for all you do for the Jewish people and Israel. Am Yisrael Chai!

I am thankful for all the military service of IDF

In Honor of Nava & Avital Pollak

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying tehilim daily for the healing of the wounded soldiers, for all sick people in the world and for the release of the hostages

thank you for the amazing SAR faculty!!!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema every day before bed

Grateful for my SAR education. I will cherish my experiences there.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Writing letters to the chaialim of Israel
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Adina ran a cooking fundraiser over December break and raised money for Leket Israel, which helps feed hungry people in Israel.

In memory of I. David Gordon

In Honor of Noam and Avi Binstock

Sending our love and prayers for continued safety for all our brave and heroic chayalim, especially all of our SAR Graduates currently serving

Am Yisrael Chai

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Chesed - Helping my elderly neighbor with her garbage.
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Walking guests to the door!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling my grandmother each week before shabbat

In Honor of Tzahal - the brave and selfless guardians of Erez Yisroel and the Jewish people

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

giving צדקה daily and saying שמע before bed.

To our students, who have impressed constantly with their generosity, effort, integrity, and enthusiasm.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying a extra פרק of תהילים

Thank you to the educators and staff at SAR who design inspiring opportunities that foster a love of learning and Israel.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Writing weekly letters to soldiers/politicians
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Remembering to say Asher Yatzar one time a day!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed

In a time of darkness SAR has been a shining light. Kol Hakavod for all that you do!  

Kol Hakavod! Toda Raba!

Thank you, SAR, for providing a nurturing environment, which fostered creativity and independent thinking. Throughout the past 28 years of practice, it has been a privilege to continue relationships with so many wonderful SAR families.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:


Keep up the good work with the Jewish community and Israel. Am Yisroel Chai

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

Remember to say Al Hamichya 1x a day with a bencher

Best Wishes

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Learning extra 10 minutes of Torah a day

Thank you to the amazing staff and faculty of this wonderful school.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Is saying Modeh Ani every day
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Chesed - I am delivering fire wood to all my neighbors.


עם ישראל חי

In honor of my grandson Jonah Hoff (HS '23) who is spending his gap year in Israel studying and doing chesed and service in support of the war effort. In honor of my grandchildren Lila and Jake Hoff who are students at SAR and Benjamin Hoff (HS '20). 
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Is to say shma every night

We're grateful and proud of Team SAR. Am Yisrael Chai!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling my grandparents before Shabbat

Thank you to everyone who helps the community.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shma before bed
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Writing letters to Israeli soldiers

Mazal Tov to SAR

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will daven for חיילים every week
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will give extra tzedukah everyday, write letters to soldiers and say tehillim daily.

Kol Hakavod

Kol Hakavod to the SAR community and its leadership for coming together to help fill the needs of Medinat Yisrael in generous, compassionate and creative ways.

In Honor of Etai and Addie Steltzer and their teachers

In Loving Memory of Rabbi Simcha Krauss zt’l 

We are so Proud of You Dear Granson We Love You Grandma and Grandpa

So blessed to be part of the active SAR community which exemplifies and personifies Jewish values and virtues. May we merit the opportunity to come together in celebration just as we have in more challenging times.

Thank you to the entire SAR community, teachers and staff and the parent body, for all that you do for our students--for all your dedication, hard work, caring, experience and patience.

תזכו למצוות

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:

I will write a weekly letter to the soldiers in Israel

Thank you to SAR for teaching, guiding, supporting and instilling love of Medinat and Am Yisrael in our children.

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Learning torah for 10 extra minutes a day
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Singing Modeh Ani every morning!
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying shema before bed
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I’m giving tzdaka every day

In Honor of Sophie, Daniela, and Max Gribetz

Over the last seven years, I've grown not only as a teacher but as a person. SAR has become more than just my place of work, but rather a community to grow and thrive in.

In Honor of Ranan Waxman, Class of 2021, who is currently serving in the IDF's Nachal Brigade, G'dud 931, inside Gaza. We are so very proud. 

Thanks for all the great work you do in educating our children.

In Honor of our children and grandchildren

Talia & Jonathan Guenoun
Jack, Ethan, Jonah and Zoe

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will say call my grandparents once in a while.


Israel Strong.

SAR is my family! Mazal Tov for the 55 years Anniversary, 55=5+5=10! Thank you.

Thank you

We are inspired by the Jewish and Zionistic leadership examples that SAR is providing our children. Kol HaKavod!

Thank you to SAR for your continued partnership with and commitment to the Irving Montak SINAI School!

Mazal tov!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I am going to commit an extra 10 minutes a day
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Chesed - I am delivering fire wood to all my neighbors.
We are so proud that SAR stands with Israel. ביחד ננצח! עם ישראל חי!

Mazal Tov to the entire SAR community

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Davening every day - even when there isn’t school.

In Honor of Rabbi Krauss, Rabbi Harcsztark and the amazing leadership of SAR, specifically during these most challenging times. We are grateful for our grandchildren to have this amazing opportunity!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
I will say a bracha for every food that I eat

With gratitude to SAR faculty, administration and the entire community

keep up your good work

Way to go SAR

We want to thank all the SAR teachers, leadership and staff for providing such an excellent education to Dani and all the wonderful students at SAR. We are very grateful for your hard work every day!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Reciting a daily perek of Tehillim as a merit for wounded soldiers and for those fighting And Saying shema before bed
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling grandparents before shabbat

Thank you, SAR for teaching our kids, establishing a community within our schools, building a love for Israel, and showing our kids how important it is to have a voice and to stand up for what one believes in, to stand up for what’s right. Am Yisrael Chai

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Saying an extra tehilim every day.

In honor of our grandchildren, Noa and Adam Oshinsky

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
setting the table before my parents ask me to
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Learning extra 10 minutes of Torah a day
The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Light an extra candle on Shabbat for the chatufim.

Thank you SAR!

The mitzvah I am dedicating myself to:
Calling my Zaide every day

Am Yisrael Chai!